Origin of Sikh Religion

Sikhism started at around 1500CE in the Punjab area of what is now present day India and Pakistan. Many people have different ideas as to how it started, but the Sikhs believe that it was started by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the first Guru, after “a vision to preach the way to enlightenment and God.” (Religious Tolerance.org, 2006) Guru Nanak very strongly rejected caste and idol worship, and is responsible for saying “There is no Hindu, there is no Muslim.”

After Guru Nanak came nine other Gurus, believed to be reincarnations of the first. They led the movement of the Sikh religion during the period from Guru Nanak’s death until 1708. (Religious Tolerance, 2006. Patheos Library, 2008-12)
By the time of Guru Arjan, the fifth Guru, the Sikh religion was well established. Guru Arjan put together the first book of Sikh scripture, the Adi Granth. He was later executed, though, because the Sikh religion was seen as a threat; the Sikhs now commemorate his martyrdom in the Gurpurbs. (BBC, 2009)
Mogul emperors tried to convert Sikhs to Islam, but failed. Later on, Britain gained control over all of India, triggering the Sikh Wars. After independence in 1947, the Sikhs and Hindus migrated from Pakistan to India, with many deaths. (Religious Tolerance, 2006)
Sikhs continue to worship in Gurdwaras and follow the teachings of Gurus to this day.


    Solicito a mi bautismo para mi comunismo alimentario y financiero como tambien para mi comunismo sexual y material que incluye a mi refugio forastero por mis esposas hindúes y por los ciudadanos védicos oportunos.

    Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
    Documento de identificacion personal:
    1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
    Cédula de Vecindad:
    ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
    Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.

    Solicito a mi inmunidad divina espiritual de mi blasfemia contra Jesucristo. Les prevengo de inminentes impostores del blog que pretenderán sabotearme con ustedes por la calumnia de violador sexual parafílico suscitada por una ignominia sexual parafílica por la calumnia de prevaricador.

    Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
    Documento de identificacion personal:
    1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
    Cédula de Vecindad:
    ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
    Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.
